@perry Thank you for being helpful in this thread, I understand that being the liaison is quite difficult on a multitude of levels. I’ve been a Netlify customer for quite a while now but I understand that the product vision of Netlify doesn’t aligned with our org size.
While the Git Contributor change is one we didn’t like, it was possible to just take it at our size. But I think the team size limit to 7 really does highlight the misalignment for our organization. It seems that Netlify would prefer to cater only to Enterprise customers. To be fair its a similar plan to what Vercel has (they require you to move at 10 engineers).
I personally don’t quite see the value of per contributor billing but that may be due to the Netlify products we use and the kind of value we get out of them. Either way, its been great being a Netlify customer. The support engineers on this forum are always really nice. But I think this will be the end of my journey with Netlify for now at least.
My analysis for other people watching this, upon a fairly deep investigation is:
Just wanted to share this in case it was useful to anyone reading this thread.
TLDR - Netlify, Vercel and Gatsby Cloud make more sense in the context of Enterprises than smaller organizations. If you have limited budget (or just don’t want to spend more than needed), look elsewhere.
Platforms like Netlify, Vercel and Gatsby Cloud only make sense from a teams perspective once you have > 15 engineers working on several projects concurrently and a meaningful across the board usage of the platform. The enterprise plans range (annually from $20K to $36K at a base level). We are a small team and primarily liked Netlify as a cross-framework deployment tool that had cool features like Deploy Previews, Collaborative Deploy Previews (static sites only), Forms (very very basic but it was something) and Functions (barely used them but they were good). That’s neither a team large enough nor enough usage to be worth it
When would Netlify be worth it?
If you have a very very large team such that small developer productivity increases are meaningful and plan to use a wide array of features by a wide array of stakeholders then it makes sense. Especially if you leverage the Graph & API functionality. Or have stakeholders that need to be involved in the Deploy Preview process like designers.
Same thing can be said for platforms like Vercel and Gatsby Cloud
What will I be using after this?
I’ll be migrating to Cloudflare and DigitalOcean after this. I’m in general going to be staying clear of per seating platforms unless there’s a more clear connection between the value each additional engineer provides relative to what the platform provides (like GitHub, Slack, etc.). If you want the closest to the Netlify experience I’d recommend Render.com
To break it down
Cloudflare - Static websites through Cloudflare Pages & Workers
DigitalOcean - Next.js websites and things like that. I’ll just suffer without Deploy Preview. Though I’ve heard that DO might be working on that functionality in the future.