Error when adding custom domain "<domain> or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team."

Hi Team,
I’m trying to connect my app to a custom domain ( that I own but I’m getting an error “ or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.”
I do not remember having any other netlify account and not able to resolve this.

I have added a TXT record in my domain host with name ‘verified-for-netlify’ and value as the link to this post.


I’ve removed the domain from the other site, you should be able to successfully add it now.

Thank you so much. It works now!

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Hey @sid.m
have the same problem with
I asked the guy to remove the domain from his account so I can add to mine.
I changed the dns settings back to default in namecheap and waited a day to make sure the domain settings are removed.
is it possible to look into it.
kind regards

hiya :wave:t6: @JVAV welcome to the Netlify community! Can you set a TXT record so I can verify you own this domain?

Right now I see the following when I check for a TXT record

% host -t txt
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN

yes sure I will add one, one sec

this link of your post with “hiya jvav welcome to …”
is used as value

I have the same issue, I read the steps in previous post and I create a TXT record, what are the steps to follow? thanks for help!

@JVAV, the domain has been removed from the other account. @Edwinleon95, to remove a domain from some other account, we’ll need to know the domain name which you’ve not mentioned anywhere.

hi hrishikesh,
I was also facing the same issue , can you please look on to this post

hello @hrishikesh my domain is

Hello Could you help me! this is my domain

Hi @Edwinleon95, I’ve cleared this zone for you. We’ll be here if you need anything else. Thanks!

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I am facing the same problem and have been waiting for a solution for 4 days now.

Here is my post about it - Help me with “another site is using this domain” Verifying domain ownership for Netlify production domain

I have added TXT entry and waiting for your confirmation

I am facing the same problem, please help

Here is my post about it - Help me with “another site is using this domain” Verifying domain ownership for Netlify production domain

I have added TXT entry and waiting for your confirmation

@Paul_N We’ve responded in your other post.

Can u check the answer again

The domain has been removed from the other account.