“{domain name} or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team

netlify app: https://cheery-crisp-27af4f.netlify.app
custom domain: http://www.covid19-info.com/
error when attempting to add a custom domain: “covid19-info.com or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.”


Unfortunately, it seems that my custom domain was used by someone else in the past with netlify. I purchased the domain some days ago and now came across the above error message.
In the DNS settings of my domain provider, I since pointed the my custom domain’s A record to and the www-subdomain CNAME record to my netlify app, but that did not solve the issue.
Also, I just added a TXT record for the verified-for-netlify-subdomain which points to this issue URL.

Thank you for your help.

HI, @ffea87a88a81ac1bb488. Thank you for making the verification DNS record. Now that the verification is complete, please feel free to remove it anytime.

The domain has been removed from the other team. Adding the domain to your sites should be successful now. ​Please let us know if you still see errors adding the domain to your sites or DNS zones.

Hi @luke
Excellent, thank you for the fast support!

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Hi @luke,

It looks like you’ve added the domain to your site.