Support forum account appears to have outdated OAuth2 email address as associated account

I just checked my account settings in these forums, and to my surprise, under Preferences > Accounts > Associated Accounts, there is a “OAuth 2” field with my old email address, even though I updated my email address in both said account and my main Netlify account. The field is read-only so I can’t change it. What’s up with that? Is this a bug, or do I need to change the info somewhere else I overlooked?

That part can only be changed from a Rails console as far as I’m aware. It’s a cosmetic aspect and the original link should be using the user id and not the email. Are you running into any issues while logging in using OAuth or otherwise while using your account?

Sorry, but I’m not sure I understand your comment. I don’t know what a Rails console is, I don’t understand how an OAuth field can be cosmetic in any way, and I have no idea which original link you are referring to. What I can say is that I don’t use OAuth with my accounts, or at least not in any way that I’m aware about.

Simply put, are you running into any issues with logging in? If not, is the concern only that “the email looks outdated”?

No problem logging in, either with email/password and through Netlify SSO.

However, I figured out what was up. As soon as I logged in with Netlify SSO while testing this, the “OAuth 2” field got updated to the new email address. Looks like it was the only way to sync the accounts to the new value. A bit confusing, but at least it works.
