SSL/TLS certificate Let’s Encrypt


I just got a custome domain here in Netlify but when I tru to generate SSL/TLS certificate it throws and error (We could not provision a Let’s Encrypt certificate for your custom domain.)

Could you please help me with this?

My site name is:


hi there, which custom domain are you trying to use this with?

It is

Hi perry, any news on this?

Thanks for your help!

Hi, @cfragoso. There was an issue preventing provision on our side and that issue has been resolved now.

I show the SSL certificate working for this custom domain now when I test. If there are other questions or concerns, please let us know.

Hey thanks a lot Luke, SSL certificate is now set. :smiley: :smiley:

I just had one more question: it’s there a way to set email service for my custom domain?

Thanks for your help!

Hi there! This Support guide is the best place to get started with information on dealing with email on Netlify:

If you still have questions after working through this guide, we suggest you try the search, as many people have already asked questions on this topic. If still no luck, let us know and we can troubleshoot with you.

Thank you Perry!! :grinning::grinning: