Site/DNS Transfer (Vera Nicolas)


I’ve just bought a custom domain name from a registrar, and I’m trying to use it for my Netlify apps. On the AddDomain page I got an error message saying: or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.

From what I’ve read on the forums, I have to add a TXT record with the name verified-for-netlify. I’m missing the value for that record, I’ll add the record if you provide me a value for it.

The domain is



@nicoverali The relevant support guide is here:

Text/Value: link to your public post or case number if we’re helping you in our helpdesk

You would use as the value.

Hey Nathan ! Thanks for your answer. I’ve added the record to my domain. Can you please verify it ? Remember is

@nicoverali thanks for verifying, I’ve removed the domain from the previous account, you should be able to use it successfully now

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