Hello! Long time listener, first time account-holder.
Anywho, I can’t quite figure out what the docs are telling me — my goal is:
I own two domain names: domain1 and domain2 (so creative)
I’ve succeeded in getting domain1 to point to my Netlify site (hooray!)
I’ve not succeeded in getting domain2 to also point to the same site, where my preference is:
When someone types domain2, they just go to domain1
The URL changes to domain1, in their address bar
Things that might be helpful to share:
In the domain registrar (for both domains), I’ve updated them to point to the name servers provided by Netlify.
I’ve chosen to use Netlify to manage DNS, rather than the domain providers.
Below are screenshots of what I see—what the docs have pointed me to … but it’s the last screenshot that confuses me (some of the help text, near form fields, is unclear to me).
I’m sure I’m just a noob and it hasn’t clicked, yet. Thanks for any assistance any of you might provide!
I think the best source of knowledge for this is the Sites with multiple domains doc which will help you with setting up domain aliases (multiple custom domains pointing to one site).
I’ve been to that page (and the one it leads to [ Custom domains | Netlify Docs ]), but neither of them seem to clarify what I need to type in my third screenshot above, where there’s a form in which I’m supposed to enter ALIAS information.
Your second domain is missing from Netlify App. If you add the second domain and then ensure that your NS records match, the records will be automatically added to the Domains UI within the specific site when you add the domain alias again.
Note: hit the Renew Certificate option at the bottom of that page once all of your changes are made, to ensure that your Let’s Encrypt certificate covers the domain alias
OK @Scott, most of the above is now working, except for one detail: going to domain2 loads the Netlify-hosted site (yay), but the URL stays domain2. I would love for it to insta-swap to domain1. Is it possible for me to change that in the Netlify interface, somewhere?