I wanna know how to see bandwidth usage per project, its possible?
hi lucas, welcome. can you be a bit more specific: do you mean per site, or per team?
Hi, I have some sites and wanna know bandwith usage in each site. In Settings > Billing show all bandwith, but wanna know which site is consuming more.
hi @Lucas,
there is a bunch more information in this thread:
but hte TLDR is that we are working on making this information more accessible in the UI, but that work has not been completed yet.
Can you let us know which account this is regarding? we can find that info for you in the mean time until that feature ships.
We also need this functionality as we have several clients sites nuder one account and need to know this for billing purposes. Can you make this available in the UI please?
I hear you! that makes perfect sense, and I wish this already possible! If you tell me your team slug or team name, we can run a report for you - we do hope to make this information available in the UI, but I don’t have an eta for this at the moment. As soon as I do, I will update here.
This is a required feature for us well. Waiting for the feature to ship!
Me too @s-kris! No one will be happier than I will be once bandwidth usage details ships! We will make the biggest announcement ever when it’s available.
Thank you @laura
That’s awesome. Don’t mind me asking - is there an ETA or some approximate time?
Hi, @s-kris. For many reasons, we almost never give an ETA for unreleased features. If/when this is available, we will announce it here at that time.
Yes, the ability to see Bandwidth
for each site would be awesome
You need this report.
Indeed you do.
hi wilpar, totally get it. I pinged the relevant team to let them know this is still a highly desired feature, and hopefully we will get an update at some point.
please do keep chiming in on this, we don’t mind the noise.
if you (any/all of you) can tell us how NOT having this negatively impacts you by providing real world examples) we can make a better case for this. thanks all