Would it be possible to increase the timeout limit for https://approvals.netlify.app/ please?
Our webhook usually completes in under 10 seconds, but every month we have a couple that time out, causing us to lose data. The higher the better (26s?), but 20s should be enough.
Hi guys, same here for site a3e983ad-c8da-4baf-8187-fea8819dd6c6 please. 30 secs if possible. BTW, would be great if we could set that in our toml files ourselves.
Hello there @hillary@hrishikesh, we are experiencing the same issue and are on pro tier.
Could you please increase our function timeout to the limit asap?
SiteId: 58498120-b12b-4140-ac0a-d7bbb9074dee
Many thanks
This function has crashed
An unhandled error in the function code triggered the following message:
2022-07-21T07:12:54.345Z 2a1386f5-c696-4738-abde-90971bbec05b Task timed out after 10.04 seconds
Jul 22, 09:58:55 AM: 40b3dc97 Duration: 10032.48 ms Memory Usage: 337 MB
Jul 22, 09:58:55 AM: 40b3dc97 ERROR Task timed out after 10.03 seconds
This function has crashed
An unhandled error in the function code triggered the following message:
2022-07-22T07:58:55.509Z 40b3dc97-455e-42b0-8089-b325a230e9f5 Task timed out after 10.03 seconds
Hello, despite i’m not a Pro user, can my site get some more runtime seconds for the serverless functions?
siteId: 8f820e25-7f09-4d54-973d-6ab36b1db88e
link: https://b2c-api.netlify.app