First time trying to sign up issue

It’s my first time trying this platform but when i tried to sign up with GitHub to deploy a React project i already got a problem where it said that an account with my email already was registered, so tried the forgot my password button and it changed my password but when i tried login in with that password my account already was flaged as suspicious, tried the verify identity using my ID card but perhaps it was impossible, tried to contact the Netlify team to get help but it said that my account just was banned… i don’t know what to do, it’s frustrating…

@cristian.sanchez.cas The answer here also applies to you:

  • You must use one of the documents that stripe accepts
  • It must be able to be verified
  • If you can provide a valid document you may need to request Netlify to send a new verification link
  • If you cannot, your best option is to use another provider

Sure thing, i tried scanning my ID card multiple times and Stripe says that it isn’t the full size of the document perhaps it actually is the full size, i don’t know if you can send me and example so i can upload it correctly.

@cristian.sanchez.cas You could check the stripe documentation, but in my own quick check I wasn’t able to see any example pictures.