DKIM verification process keeps failing

Hi, the DKIM verification process keeps failing on this domain:
The email provider is Zoho.
Could you please check this out for me.
Thank you very much

Hi, @StefanoF, and welcome to the Netlify community site. I see the following TXT records when I check now:

$ dig TXT +noall +answer

; <<>> DiG 9.10.6 <<>> TXT +noall +answer
;; global options: +cmd	3599	IN	TXT	"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCA4kwVZBzl591Ea3KlIIfQMV1vWZ3qtPFJfdbj+Mzg4nM6/Zac03RiKobmQbBExHXGIlgv3HRYQZse1fKVzTJgoR9xl3PVwQ4TVI3ODbQMqnyB9OFpVq9Yccb/gTiJtUmle2iy+NZhgHS41x708FDxwNLYrayPpOVyop+olZgw4QIDAQAB"	3599	IN	TXT	"v=spf1 ~all"	3599	IN	TXT	""

Are these the correct records? If not, what records are you trying to create.

We only host the DNS service but not the email service. We can help you create “correct” DNS records but we don’t know what the definition of “correct” is for your email service.

In other words, we need you to tell us what DNS records should exist. Once you tell us the records that should exist, we can help you get them created and working. Would you please tell us what DNS records are required for Zoho?

If there are other questions for us, please let us know.

Hi luke and thanks for the reply. Yes, the record you mentioned is correct.
Zoho requires a TXT record with a title of ._domainkey.<>
I don’t know where to put the title in netlify DNS panel.
I am not en expert. I hope this information is useful

Thanks for the clarification, @StefanoF. The DNS record would be added here.

The title would go in the name field and be only “_domainkey” as the root/apex domain name will be added to that automatically. I’ve included a screenshot which show which fields to use:

The value they give you for the TXT record will replace the “something here”.

If this still doesn’t work or there are other questions, please let us know.

It worked. Thank you a lot @luke

Hi, @StefanoF, I’m glad to hear that. :slight_smile:

Thanks for following up as I always wonder if the information is helpful. :+1: