"Another site is using this domain": Conflicting custom domain

I’m trying to shift a site from one account to another. I cannot figure out how to get rid of the custom domain from the old account;

  • I’ve deleted the domain from the “Domain Management” section in the old site
  • Removed the Netlify nameservers and waited for it to propagate in the hopes that it would reflect (it didn’t)

Other topics here ask to open the “DNS Zone”, but I’m seeing “You might not have permissions to see this page.”

Custom domain: dpsitcouncil.com
Old site: dpsitcouncil.netlify.app
New site: aquamarine-sunflower-ffdcbd.netlify.app

I’ve added a verified-for-netlify TXT record on the domain to verify ownership.

Is there any way to completely delete the DNS zone? Did switching nameservers affect anything?

Hi @dpsic,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to Netlify’s Support Forums!

I see that your site was deleted, however the DNS Zone for dpsitcouncil.com is still there. You’ll need to go here and delete the DNS Zone.

If you’re unable to delete the DNS Zone, we can remove it for you, however we’ll need to verify that you control the domain. You can follow this Support Guide to create a TXT Record in order for us to verify. Once you’ve created the TXT Record, please let us know. Thanks!

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Hey @Melvin

Thanks for the link to delete the zone. Unfortunately I don’t have access to that account anymore.
Is it possible to you to delete the DNS Zone?
I’ve added the TXT record on the domain with this topic number (96194)

Hi @Melvin, I managed to get access to the account and get them to delete the DNS zone.

Thank you so much for your help!
I’m closing the topic now.