All my netlify sites were deleted, and my account was deleted


I have2 Netlify sites that shows the message: This site is suspended.
I never received any email or whatsoever prior to this.

So i went to check my account. First weird thing, when I logged in with my Github account, it created a whole new netlify account, which is weird because my Netlify account was tied to my Github account.

Obviously, on the new created account, I don’t see any sites i’ve created in the past.

So i tried to connect manually with my email and password (which is a different email from the Github email), and weird things happen.

I don’t see any Netlify sites here either, and when I reload the page, i’m automatically disconnected.

I checked my emails (both the github email and the original Netlify email) and never received any info on that.

Conclusion: none of my Netlify sites work, I had maybe 5 to 7 sites, I paid 1 or 2 domains on Netlify both inaccessible too, and I paid one of them last december…

Whats happening? Why are all my sites disabled, why is my account emty? Why are domains I paid at Netlify not working?

Hey there, @undefined :wave:

I took at look at the sites associated with this Forums account, and none have been suspended. Can you please share the site name that you are trying to access? Thanks so much!

(post deleted by author)

Hi, @undefined. I see there is a support ticket about this and I have replied to you there. We ask that you follow-up in ticket # 90010 if there are further questions about this.

However, if you don’t see any email about that support ticket do reply here to let us know.


I have 2 site on netlify but the both website is not working at the moment.

And trying to login to my account, its logs in but I cant view my site.

My account:

I look forward to your response.

Hey there, @foresttiger0202,

You were banned from Netlify for hosting sites that violated our Terms of Service. You will have to work with a new platform moving forward.