You’ve reached XX% of your invite only users allowance on


I received sereval emails, stating that:
Your invite only users usage on site dpsg-toelz-83646 has reached 75% of the included allowance for Identity Level 0 (free) in the current billing cycle from January 20 to February 20.

However I only have 2 users in the list Netlify App :

If I go to the “Settings & Usage” page Netlify App, it shows 4/5 users.

Can you help me understand who are the 2 “ghosts” users?

I have been struggling with the templates (see Identity not using email templates) and sent created many more than 5 users over time, but I removed all test accounts for weeks.

Thank you

Hi @dpsg-toelz, usage for the Identity feature is based around the billing period. If you have 2 users during a billing period and then add 2 more, then after a few days remove those 2 again, you have 4 records users for the billing period.

Let me know if that makes sense.

Thank you for the quick reply, yes it makes sense!

Maybe you could improve text in the “Settings & usage” page, which now reads:

Invite-only users
Counts all users in your user list, regardless of login activity.

To something like:

Invite-only users
Counts all users in your user list, regardless of login activity. Deleted users still count until the next billing period.

thanks for pointing this out, @dpsg-toelz! Appreciate it.