I received sereval emails, stating that:
Your invite only users usage on site dpsg-toelz-83646 has reached 75% of the included allowance for Identity Level 0 (free) in the current billing cycle from January 20 to February 20.
However I only have 2 users in the list Netlify App :
If I go to the “Settings & Usage” page Netlify App, it shows 4/5 users.
Can you help me understand who are the 2 “ghosts” users?
I have been struggling with the templates (see Identity not using email templates) and sent created many more than 5 users over time, but I removed all test accounts for weeks.
Hi @dpsg-toelz, usage for the Identity feature is based around the billing period. If you have 2 users during a billing period and then add 2 more, then after a few days remove those 2 again, you have 4 records users for the billing period.