Unable to sign up due to ID scan issues

I have been trying to sign up, when uploading reverse of my ID, it always says IRS blurred try again, though it’s perfectly fine. I think it is because in my country the reverse of ID its just a code number

@juansandia Is the ID that you’re uploading for your country one of the ones listed as supported by Stripe?

It might be that, I used another ID from my other nationality, will see if it works now.

It allowed me to go to the end, waiting for a confirmation

Make sure your ID document is complaint what your country. Stripe prefers passports.

I got an email saying my account was banned, how can I appeal? Too much hassle for just trying to host a website…

@juansandia I don’t believe that you can, (and it usually says that in the ban message), there are basically two options I’m aware of:

  1. You have an ID document that Stripe is able to verify
  2. You have a paid Pro account

Netlify may still ban you if you’re deemed a risk or broke their terms of service etc.

If you can’t get an account with Netlify you could seek other similar hosting providers.

Such a shame, I cant even create my account and get banned without a reason,

Really wanted to use Netlify

There is no appeal process, you can submit your ID documents via stripe to unlock your account. If you’d like to do this please share your email, or you can signup for a Pro account.


I cant signup for a pro account without verifying.

Hi, this has been sent to your email. Please check your spam if it’s not in your inbox. Make sure your ID is accepted by stripe as outlined here.

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