Unable to setup domain again due to deleted Netlify DNS Zone once

I set up the domain abhirampjayan.com on Netlify. I deleted it from my Netlify account shortly after. Now I am trying to set up this domain again and I get this error

“A DNS zone for this domain already exists on NS1”

I referred a related issue. And I sent request to NS1 support to delete this DNS Zone but they replied as

I need to log into my Netlify account and delete the DNS zone. If I’ve already done this, I’ll need to engage Netlify support. Netlify is a customer of NS1, but they are not able to make changes to netlify account.

Hey @abhirampjayan,

When you get that error, it means the DNS Zone exists on NS1 and not Netlify. If it exists on Netlify, you get the error custom_domain is owned by another account. You’d have to get this cleared up with NS1 as we don’t know who owns the DNS Zone for that domain.

See this:

I contacted NS1 Support and they informed that I need to log into my Netlify account and delete the DNS zone. If I’ve already done this, I’ll need to engage Netlify support. Netlify is a customer of NS1, but they are not able to make changes to netlify account.

Hey @abhirampjayan,

Kindly don’t post on multiple topics. This error is coming from NS1 and thus, they should be able to help you. Try phrasing your request differently to them.

Hi @hrishikesh,

I already sent mail to NS1 and they replied as given below.

Hi Abhiram,

You’ll need to log into your Netlify account and delete the DNS zone. If you’ve already done this, you’ll need to engage Netlify support.

Netlify is a customer of NS1, but we are not able to make changes to their account.

Hi, @abhirampjayan. I wanted to mention this other support guide here:

Your domain is at GoDaddy, not Name.com. The support guide @hrishikesh sent is specific to Name.com but the one above is more general.

By the way, I looked for abhirampjayan.com in our NS1 account and it isn’t there. Whatever zone this is, Netlify cannot delete it because Netlify doesn’t control it. The zone is under someone else’s account at NS1 - not ours. Many web hosting companies and domain registrars use NS1. Netlify, Name.com, Squarespace, and more all use NS1 for DNS infrastructure. I don’t know what other service created the zone but the support guide above explains how to fix it.

If there are any questions that support guide doesn’t answer, please let us know.