Trying to add a custom subdomain to my Netlify site

Hi Community,

I’m trying to add a custom subdomain to my Netlify site, but I’m running into an issue. My site URL is, and the custom subdomain I want to add is However, it’s showing an error saying that the subdomain is already registered.

Any guidance on resolving this would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

@waqas.mehmood Netlify need to remove the domain from the other account manually.

To do this, they first need you to confirm you’re the domain owner by following these instructions:

The value that you would use is:

Once done, let them know by posting here to say it’s ready to be checked.
Then you just need to wait until they see your post, check the value and do the removal.

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@nathanmartin I have follow the instructions and create the txt record kindly proceed and remove the subdomain entry so I can link with my project.
need to be removal of subdomain:

Waqas Mehmood

You need to wait for Netlify’s staff, I don’t work for them.

Hi, @waqas.mehmood :wave:t6: Thank you for making the verification TXT record. Now that the verification is complete, please feel free to delete it at any time.

The domain as been removed from the other account and it should be possible for you to add it now. However, if you still cannot or if there are any questions, please reply here to let us know.