Task timed out after 10.03 seconds - Next JS


I have a NextJS site, would it be possible to increase the timeout limit for:
site name: jelou.ai


This function has crashed

2022-10-10T13:34:28.325Z 5e1bb702-a1c0-4751-b7ec-d0bb1e09c1a5 Task timed out after 10.03 seconds

Thank you!

Hi @ajmariduena,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Netlify Support Forums!

I’ve increased the timeout for functions on site jelou-web to 26 seconds (the max time limit). Please note that you’ll have to redeploy the site (in the normal way - a new commit or a new deploy by your typical methods) to activate the new setting.

Let us know if you have any questions.