Subdomain "already managed by Netlify DNS on another team"


I am getting the error “{domain name} or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.” when I want to add a custom subdomain, although it was never used before.

According to this post, this needs to be adressed by support.

I already added the TXT entry “verified-for-netlify” in DNS (ionos).

Can you please tell me to whom I should PM the domain name (I don’t want it to be public)


Hi, i’d be happy to free this domain. You can dm me or the support team.

Hi @SamO, thank you, but I cannot dm you. Do I maybe not have enough rights?

I have enabled your account for DMs.

Sorry for the delay. I just checked this and I don’t see any Netlify account having the domain in their account. Has this been resolved?

Yes it’s solved, thanks

Please help me i have same problem - i have share you a screenshot

Can’t help without knowing the domain - nevermind found your duplicate post.