Site Intermittently Not Loading Again

My site is intermittently not loading again but the status page says all is well. Same as last week. It started about 45 minutes ago and seems to be getting worse. The site is briefly going down about every 10 minutes or so. We get a black page with “Error - Request id: XXXXXXX”

Can someone investigate please?

hi @mrwiyums

As I referred on the other thread, we’ll be posting an update soon and are already working on resolving this incident.

Please bear with us!

Hello Support,

This is happening again and has been occurring most of the day. Our website is intermittently not loading for our customers. Any ETA on a resolution?


Yeah, I am having some trouble with my serverless functions. Their performance has been incredibly sporadic, often times not working at all (And not logging any timeout/errors, which is odd). I know it’s a hosting problem because I have checked all my API connections in dev env.

Hi we had an incident on this day. I’m not sure if you were impacted but are you still experiencing this issue?