Self-service maximum build time limit

Adjusting the maximum build time is currently achieved by contacting support as per this thread:

This could reasonably be a self-service feature.

The “maximum build time” settings would:

  1. Only work when the account has valid payment details set (or advise them to add payment details)
  2. Let the user select the maximum build time from a set of options

Howdy Nathan, super reasonable request! So reasonable, in fact, that we already have a feature request open to implement this into the UI. It looks like it is still in the planning phase - there are some considerations to, well, consider, such as making sure people don’t turn on super long builds with no credit card information present - but i do feel pretty hopeful we will be able to implement this.

upping people’s build times manually is not an ideal process for sure! I have added your comment to the feature request and will absolutely let you know if things change.

other folks - if you feel strongly that you want this feature, please leave a comment (not a like) below. the more need we (the support team ) can demonstrate, the more likely we can get this done! thanks all. :netliheart:

Thanks @perry.

I’ve never needed to increase the maximum build timeout myself, so it may be of limited real world benefit.

It just seemed like low hanging fruit to shift some workload off the support team and let them focus on tasks that can’t be as easily automated.

I couldn’t agree more! we’re super hoping it’ll get added to the UI soon.

by the way, if you happen to know any folks in the EU or UK hours who might want to join our support team, please encourage them to apply:

I would also like this feature — my builds are starting to hit the 15min lower bound.


Definitely needed for my team as well. Static site build times can grow quickly!

Big +1 to this feature. I ran into this immediately with my very first site build on Netlify and was very surprised there was no self-serve option to adjust it, even with payment info entered. My hunch is a lot of us are building static sites that have expensive initial builds (images, etc) but that build much faster after getting over that hump. But without a way to get over that first build, we hit a wall right away.

stuntbox et al, we (support staff) couldn’t agree more. It would be AMAZING if you could self serve on this and we didn’t have to pull this lever manually for you.

we are trying to get engineering time to implement this, and hopefully, it will at some point. in the mean time, please keep asking for it. The more information we hear from you, the more likely we can be to get this implemented.

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The maximum build time limit can be increased via self-service, using the API as described in this post:

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The forum bot has requested that I post here to indicate that this is not yet solved.

As per my previous post, it’s great that it can be done via the API, but the original request concerns this being a self-service feature in the admin area (along with the other existing build settings).

I still see people posting about this daily, and daily the support team are manually increasing limits on behalf of customers.

Hey there, @nathanmartin :wave:

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here again. I have shared your feedback directly with our Product team. We will follow up on this thread when we have more details!