Error on build: “Failed during stage ‘building site’: Command did not finish within the time limit”
Can the limit on builds be increased to 30 mins?
Error on build: “Failed during stage ‘building site’: Command did not finish within the time limit”
Can the limit on builds be increased to 30 mins?
They most certainly can! All we ask is you add a billing card to your account (as you’re more likely to overrun on your plan’s allowance) and provide us with the site name or app ID.
I’ll also just link you to this handy guide as part of my due diligence!
I already have a payment program setup. Please increase the build time limit on this app
Thanks in advance!
hey there, we upgraded your build time to 30 minutes - if we need to bill you for additional build mins packs we’ll charge it to the card you have on file. let us know how it works.
Hi Scott,
I recently updated several dependencies on my site tothefediverse, after which I initiated a “Clean cache and build” command. Since the cache is empty the site takes 40m to build and then fails with a timeout. Can you please help me with this? If you can increase the timeout temporarily, it will cache the dependencies on next build and this problem shouldn’t recur.
9:03:11 PM: Execution timed out after 40m2.14365799s
9:03:11 PM: Error running command: Command did not finish within the time limit
9:03:11 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
9:03:11 PM: Finished processing build request in 40m7.404525953s
hi there, i just upgraded you to a 45 minute build time! that should do the trick. if it doesn’t, let us know.
I am getting code 137, unable to complete build within 30 min so kindly upgrade my build time to 50 min. Thanks
@credli we need your site. Would you mind sharing that info?
sure! it’s
Hey @credli,
The time limit is pushed to an hour.
i am facing the same problem about build time, the deploy fails with a timeout.
Could you please help me with this? I have added the payment method to my account.
Sure can do! Welcome to the forums @devbinarystudio and thanks for reaching out. Can you share the site id/name so I can increase your build timeout?
For this website, I am getting the same error.
12:43:49 PM: Failed during stage “building site”: Command did not finish within the time limit
12:43:49 PM: Execution timed out after 17m58.386430257s
12:43:49 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
12:43:50 PM: Finished processing build request in 18m54.726s
Can you increase the build time limit please?
The limit has been increased.
i am getting this error
11:42:53 AM: Failed during stage ‘building site’: Command did not finish within the time limit
11:42:53 AM: Execution timed out after 30m0.063564805s
kindly increase my build time for this site, thanks: friendly-kirch-e17a21
It has been upgraded to an hour.
Hi, I’m facing the same problem about build time, the deploy fails with a timeout.
Could you please help me with this?
1:35:02 PM: Failed during stage ‘building site’: Command did not finish within the time limit
1:35:02 PM: Execution timed out after 17m59.919705347s
1:35:02 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
1:35:02 PM: Finished processing build request in 18m22.173s
Without a site name, sorry we cannot help.
Excuse me, this is my site name: benevolent-crumble-e8a284
The time limit has been bumped to an hour.