Problem Adding Custom Domain - Another site is already using

I have the same problem, can you check the domain host -t txt, please?

Hi @adrianora,

Thank you for reaching out and welcome to Netlify’s Support Forums!

I’ve checked the TXT Record for you, and everything looks good. You should now be able to add the domain to your account. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.

Happy building!

Hi, I have the same problem for my domain Can you please check the domain with host -t txt

@le_kaus thanks for making that verification record, the domain has been freed up for your use, you should be able to successfully add it to your site.

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@sid.m Thank you for freeing it up! Its working fine now.

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@sid.m Please update host -t txt

Hello :wave:t6: @jSwtch thanks for reaching out! I’m not seeing a txt record set for this domain. Can you follow the instructions outlined here?

I believe I have added everything. I am trying to switch from Vercel to Netlify. I have added verified-for-netlify as a text record at the domain host (namecheap) and in the netlify DNS.

~ ❯❯❯ host -t txt descriptive text "verfied-for-netlify"


My name servers are also correctly pointing to Netlify. The domain is in my Netlify Domains Dashboard but I can not add it to my site. Please advise?

Hi, can you change the descriptive txt to 50891/141?

I have resolved this issue — it was listed as a domain on an unactive site. User error! Thanks :slight_smile:

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~dig verified-for-netlify. TXT

~dig TXT ===

Problem: another site is already using this domain

Hi @NurMuhammad1988,

Thanks for reaching out! No need to post on multiple threads, we’ve responded to your post here:

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Facing the same proble, I have also added a TXT record on my initial account and want to transfer the domain to my another new account, it’s not working for me.
My case with Netlify Support is 298116, please help!

Hi, can you please provide the domain name ?

hello @codecommitinc :wave:t6: I was able to locate the txt record but it’s not the correct value. I see the following:

descriptive text "My case with Ntelify Support is 298116

Can you change the value to the following: 50891/148?

After this is done I can remove the domain from our system.

Done, added a new TXT record with new info.

Can I add the domain on my new team/account now?

Hey there! I was able to successfully verify your record and have cleared this domain for your use. You can add your domain now, and feel free to delete the DNS TXT record. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks!

It worked, thank you so much!