In my Netlify team we are 5 : 2 git contributors and 3 owner level team member. Billing is active for all. As it’s stated in this link all members have permission but so far only git contributors can trigger & deploy & merge to main branch. I couldn’t find any solution about why other 3 owner level members can’t trigger. This is my site
Hey there, @recepfed
Thanks for reaching out. Can you share your account team name? I am not seeing any teams associated with your forums account email, and i want to make sure we are looking in the correct place. Thanks!
Hi @hillary
Team name : Normod OP
Companies owner’s login mail :
Hi there-
In order to find out what is causing the behavior you’re seeing, I will need a bit more information. Could I please see a screenshot or screen recording of what happens when one of the owners tries to initiate a deploy? This will help me find out which step in the process I need to debug.
Hi. @jrwhitmer
Let me clear the issue : one of owner level member which is can merge from GitHub and build is being triggered in Netlify. But another owner level member which is when click merge in GitHub ‘pending review’ is show up in Netlify
Thanks in advance.
Hey there @recepfed
Thanks for your patience here! I have had our devs walk through this, and they would like the team Owner to disable “Require approval”, so the build goes through and
can get matched. The account owner can then can turn off auto approval once that’s done. You can find this under Team settings - Sites.
Let me know if this gets you unblocked and if you have any additional questions!
Hi , @hillary
We followed the steps you explained and it worked smoothly,
Thanks for your help.
That is great! Thanks for letting us know. Happy building
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