GitHub autodeploy not working after account mail changed

Hi everyone!

I have some problems related to auto-deployments triggered by GitHub push or pull requests.

I had originally created the Netlify account with the email email1.

All builds were correctly auto-triggered whenever email1 was the commit author on GitHub.

I subsequently changed the Netlify account email from email1 to email2.

From then on it would appear that the Netlify account is still in the name of email1 because each of its commits is automatically built, while commits from the new email (email2) are locked in “Pending Review” and mappears the following warning:

You’ve received a deploy request from a Git Contributor without a Netlify team member account.

A Netlify account is required to run a build. A Netlify Team Owner will need to invite the contributor to the team and approve the deploy to trigger the build. You can automatically approve these deployments by enabling auto-approvals in your site configuration.

But as it stands right now it is email2 that is a Netlify account as well as the Netlify Team Owner himself.

So would anyone be able to explain to me what I am doing wrong or if I am missing something?

Many thanks in advance to anyone who will answer!

To be even more clear, I provided two screenshot below:

  • the first one of the team, where you can see the team owner and team members
  • the second one of the blocked build, where you can see that that the build is in “Pending Review” even if the author is the same as the only team member and the team owner

Does changing your email on GitHub back to email1, work?

Hi, thank you for your message!
I did not change any mail on GitHub.
Both email1 and email2 are owners of the company and all of the repos are created by email2.

Thanks for providing that additional information. It does look like your git user is still attached to your old email address. I’ve just removed that automatic match, you should now be able to manually match your git contributor to your team member by clicking the options dropdown menu here: Netlify

Let me know if you run into any issues doing so!

Now it’s working like a charm!

Thank you so much Sid!

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