Not able to login

When I enter my login user and password it’s only showing logo means it’s loading only but not login it and my all created sites are not found please help what happened.i have attached screenshot.

@Mks2020 This is usually caused by the situations outlined in this thread:

If your account has been locked you’ll need to wait for a Netlify support member to trigger a verfication email for you to provide verification documents. If that is the case, you can see the list of acceptable documents here:

Thanks but I didn’t not get any mail regarding my account is locked but when I tried to login just it’s continuously loading.

@Mks2020 As I understand it from other messages if it’s a sign of a ‘suspended account’ they may not send an email regarding it, but Netlify would be able to confirm.

How I can contact netlify team so they can support.

@Mks2020 If you’re on a free plan this forum is how you contact them, they’ll see this thread during their business hours, I believe it to be around 10:35pm where their office is.

Hi :wave:t6: your account was actually suspended for violating our terms of service by posting spam content. You will need to find a new platform to host your content.