NetlifyCMS admin not seeing new content types for deploy preview

I’m working on a redesign of a site at I’ve created a new branch and set up a pull request which is being deployed to

This version has a new content type “how_tos” as described in config.yml like this:

  • name: how_to
    label: How tos
    folder: source/how_tos/
    extension: .html.markdown
    format: frontmatter
    create: true
    slug: ‘{{slug}}’
    • {label: Published, name: published, widget: boolean, default: true}
    • {label: Title, name: title, widget: string}
    • {label: Publish Date, name: date, widget: datetime}
    • {label: Cover image, name: cover_image, widget: image}
    • {label: Summary, name: summary, widget: text}
    • {label: Author, name: author, widget: relation, collection: authors, valueField: name, searchFields: [name]}
    • {label: Read time, name: read_time_minute, widget: number}
    • {label: Body, name: body, widget: markdown}

In the NetlifyCMS admin for this site at:
… the “How tos” section is listed but is empty, even though there are many .html.markdown files in the “source/how_tos” folder.

Running the admin locally (using npx netlify-cms-proxy-server) and they’re all there.

Is this a problem with deploy previews? Or a problem with my configuration?

Thanks in advance.

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