Netlify Identity widget displays "user not found" when user clicks pw reset email

I have a Netlify Identity user for one of my sites who can successfully generate a pw reset email (and I confirmed that I can see their account in the Netlify App page).

When they click on the link in the email, it opens up on my site with the identity widget open, and the widget says “user not found”.

I’ve reproduced this behavior on my end by taking over the users account and switching their email to an email address I control. I also receive the pw reset email, and when I click on the link it still says user not found.

When I open up the dev console I see this error:
/.netlify/identity/verify:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

Try reissuing a new git gateway token in the Netlify identity settings (all the way down).

Thanks I’m not using Git Gateway so that might have been a different issue.

This is a production site that has been live for over a year with active users. Just hitting this issue this AM so I’m wondering if there’s a new bug / outage.

Hey @teakwood,

Could you share the Site name?

Hey @teakwood,

Would you be able to send a HAR file recording of this issue happening? Please don’t post it publicly.