That’s a little odd. Changing your primary domain ought to update the Identity Service too, so if that’s presenting exactly that way, that could be a bug!
In the meantime, you could add a universal _redirects record to redirect all traffic from the old domain to the new one and carry all path/params. I think that might solve your issue in the short term since the reset token would still be present in the URL after the redirect.
No problem. I’m actually going to tag @Dennis in here just for . I haven’t attempted to reproduce this but would constitute a bug report if it’s indeed replicatable!
@Relisora, just one quick question to help point me in the right direction: have you triggered a new deploy after making a change to your custom domain settings? Just trying to find out what the parameters of the issue is to help us replicate the issue.
Sure! I have not triggered a new deploy after changing my domain. I did however make a new deploy yesterday evening.
I just tried again to reset my password and the callback url is correct in the mail.
Maybe the new deploy fixed it but I cannot tell you for sure as I didn’t get idea to test right away.
You will always need to re-deploy with a change, even just a readme to make any of your changes work So the above deploy is the reason it now shows the correct domain.