Netlify dashboard won't load

Hello. We can’t access the Netlify dashboard. It stays in the loader. We have Javascript enabled in our browser and no ad blocker nor antivirus activated. Please, help. We can’t find any solution in the Forum. We need to update our billing information to keep our site up. Thanks in advance!

Hi, @upacmw. I’ve created an helpdesk ticket for this and sent you an email. Please reply to the email for ticket # 123071 if there are further questions. However, if you don’t see that email, please reply here to let us know.

I have now the same problem or worse, none of my websites is working, and i can’t access my dashboard, keeps loading
Please help


Hi @elmokhtar.mchich :wave:t6: your account was disabled as you have violated our terms of service. You violated trademark infringement policies on one of your sites. You will need to find a new site to host your content as we do not allow trademark infringement on our platform as this violates the law.

Hello SamO
I need to know more about this violation as i did not received anything from you before disabling my account.
This is not professional
I think that you listened to scammers and you made your own judgement, and you didn’t communicate with me, and finally you disabled my account, and you didn’t warns me about this last action
Again, this is not professional
From my side, i did not violate any right
And if i did, by mistake, i am willing to correct things as i don’t have any intentions to break the laws
For the moment i need access to my account and i need you please to point out to me the right that i have infringed and how to correct things
With respect

Hi, One of your sites was infringing on WhatsApp’s trademark this was reported by AWS as your site: was infringing on copyright and trademark.

I understand this is not the news you’d like to hear but this decision is final. We are not obligated to notify you when your site is disabled after breaking the law. When you agree to use our services you consent to our terms of service which you evidently violated by creating the site above. You will need to find another platform to host your content. If you’d like to remove your domain and use this for another platform please let me know and I can send your query to our helpdesk.

Hello SamO,
Thank you for your reply
I didn’t know that with this domain name , i am infringing on copyright and trademark

I ask you please to go ahead and send the query to your helpdesk in order to remove the connection between your platform and the domain name
To give me access first to my account for me to download my files
Thank you

Hi, thanks for writing back in. I sent your query to our helpdesk. Please refer to ticket # 195029 if you have any further questions or comments.

Hello SamO

Thank you for your efforts
Can i now follow this query only by email?
Or there is a link to this query on the helpdesk platform?
Thank you

We will follow up with you via email so just sit tight.

Thank you SamO for your help