I came across the thread regarding the $104k bill due to excessive bandwidth usage. This has raised concerns for myself; I would like to understand how to set a limit for my website so that it will automatically shut down if I exceed my bandwidth limit.
ive been using netlify for around 3 years myself, theres no way to set the limit as far as i am aware, the default one is 100 gb a month, which for me is enough usually, they are working on this as replied in my own topic about this
Coming from the same thread!! I had some random small sites up but am deleting them now and moving any that I want to keep up to my own server. There’s no way I can ever deal with the hassle of fighting stuff like this. I had NO idea that something like this could happen. Even if they waive the amount later, the stress of seeing something like this in my inbox just isn’t worth it.
i totally understand that, i had worries like this myself multiple times, i even went as far as to disable contributions for a while because i was scared of the billing changes in Please read: changes to our recent pricing update
in general, netlify provides good service, but when stuff like this happens - its handled pretty bad, but they are working on it
billing docs r a mess in general in netlify from what ive observed, so is the tos, i once went through the tos and made a summary of it so people could understand it easier like i, idk how up to date it is as it isnt the most recent - over a year old, but if u wanna check it out : Ari::web -> Blog -> netlify tos (terms of service) tldr
We are aware of and deeply sorry for how this recent situation has impacted some of our users. As a company we are deeply committed to both making this right and ensuring that it never happens again. We do not currently have the ability to set limits. We are urgently addressing this issue internally now.
I’m linking our official stance below, but please don’t hesitate to email Support (support@netlify.com) if you want to discuss your account. We are here to help. Thank you.