My latest posts don't show on my website

I can’t manage to get my latest posts to be published for my website ‘’. Building in local works no problem, the posts show up on the index page. But through Netlify, the posts don’t show, although there are corresponding index files on the deploy.
What can be wrong?

@ashomah It’s hard to say what might be wrong, as you’ve not provided many details for your site.

It could be:

  • A difference in configuration between build/develop if you aren’t comparing the same commands
  • Files on your local system that aren’t in the repository
  • A Locked Deploy
  • Middleware/cache crazyness if you’re using something that leans on that

For more specific assistance provide more details for your project.
A link to a public repository so others can test the output would be great.

Hi, @ashomah. You must be looking at a different site. There has not been a single deploy of the site you listed in several years. If you do not make a new deploy, the site cannot change.

The repo the site is linked to is public and even the repo has had zero new commits in years. I suspect you are looking at the wrong site (or you are not pushing commits to the upstream repo).

Sorry for the (very) late reply. Here is the repo of my website:
The site on Netlify is goodshifter:
Let me know if you need any other information. Thank you!

Hi @luke,
Indeed, I’m not sure how the link has appeared in my post :person_shrugging:
My website is

Not being familiar with your project I’d need a frame of reference.

What are you seeing?
What’s missing?
What are you expecting to see?

I’m using Decap CMS to generate posts and pages. When I create a new post, it gets pushed and merged to my repo. On the main page of my website, after being deployed by Netlify, a new item should appear on the index.
The problem: when pushing a new post, it gets merged to the repo, Netlify detects it and build/deploy the site. But the live website doesn’t seem to be updated.

@ashomah What I mean is, is there a specific file in the repository that could be pointed to.

I’m presuming it’s just the latest entries, so…



When was the last time was rebuilt?

@nathanmartin Yes, these are the two latest posts/pages.

I have rebuilt it yesterday.

@ashomah Did anything about the site change when you performed that build?
Did you determine if you have a locked deploy?

I’d hoped to run your project locally to confirm the assertion that it builds correctly, but it turns out I don’t have ruby etc installed, and am uninterested in installing it just for this.

Hi @nathanmartin ,
I’ve been checking my deployed files, and they look compliant with my edits. I suspect my domain host to keep a cached version of the website…

@ashomah It does seem to be something along those lines.

I’d missed that you had provided the link to your Netlify site earlier as:

The pailles-a-boire-wrong page appears correctly:

Additionally the page design and logo on the top left are noticeably different.

Checking the request for
It shows as coming from Fastly, not Netlify:

Checking your DNS shows your domain is pointed at Fastly:

So as far as I can tell, your issue is actually unrelated to Netlify’s systems.