My custom site was working fine for 2 days then started to show DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

You mean TXT records?

Having such records does not impact propagation at all. TXT records serve a specific purpose, so I wouldn’t delete them.

Figured out the issue. has DNSSEC enabled. Netlify DNS does not support DNSSEC (see documentation and this thread.)

In order to use Netlify DNS for you would need to first turn off DNSSEC at the registrar (likely you would need to return the nameservers to their defaults first) at which point you could add the domain to Netlify DNS.

If you wish to continue to have DNSSEC enabled on you have the option to configure the domain using external DNS as per the following documentation

To decide on whether to use Netlify DNS or not see [Support Guide] Should I use Netlify to manage my DNS?