Identity Pricing


Confused about pricing.
In the main pricing table, Netlify Pricing and Plans, it looks like a business account provides unlimited active identity users at $99/month.

Then down in the “Per Site Add-Ons”, Identity is $99 per site but limited to 5,000 active users.

What is the difference? If a site is going to have over 5,000 active users, should we go with the business plan with 1 member?


hey @tee746 - thanks for asking for clarifications around pricing! Happy to provide some - please do keep asking if its still not clear :wink:

Each option has benefits/drawbacks depending on what your situation is, but here is some general guidance:

Business plan teams receive unlimited active identity users, and this applies to all sites in the team, but those plans do cost $99 per member of the team. If you have many members in your team, but only a single site you want identity on, it may be a better deal to have the starter plan (at $15/member) and the $99 site add-on.

Only having business with 1 member does limit so many of the really amazing collaborative features that Netlify offers, though, and that’s a big drawback - If you are expecting to have over 5000 active identity users, we should talk about getting you connected to someone here to see if we can create a more custom solution that meets your needs better.

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