Getting an error “ or one of its subdomains is already managed by Netlify DNS on another team.”

I’m getting the error “name has a conflicting custom domain in another account”, while setting up Netlify DNS. I have attached the screenshot below. Please help me with this issue.

So you own this domain? What happens when you try an add the records?

Yes, I own this domain. I just renewed it. While adding records, it’s showing an error: ‘Name has a conflicting custom domain in another account.’ I have attached the screenshot below. Please help me with this issue.

Hey there, this is happening because the custom domain you’re trying to use already exists on Netlify under a different account.

Please verify domain ownership and let us know by responding here when that’s done. If the verification is successful we can remove the domain from the other account so you can use it on yours.

Hello there, I have just completed the steps to verify domain ownership on my domain. Since I am unaware of the previous owner, I have added DNS records to it. Could you please verify it and let me know the further steps?

It required TXT record does not exist @Hvshitesh

$ host -t txt
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Netlify cannot free the domain without it.

Hi, I’ve created the DNS TXT records again. Please check and let me know further.

Still not seeing the record. See the same error as previous

$ host -t txt
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

I see you have created a different record

$ dig TXT		4502	IN	TXT	""

If you’re lucky a support engineer will accept this and free the domain for use.