Function timeout increase

Hi I updated your function timeout please re-deploy to see this take effect.

Dear support team

Could you please increase my functions timeout of this ID c873777b-736f-4e5e-9ef9-44fe35b427bb to 20s.

Kind Regards

Hi @maddesign,

I’ve increased the function time limit to 20 seconds. You’ll need to re-deploy the site for the change to take effect.

Could I have my timeout increased to the max for this site id?


Hi this is done. Please re-deploy to see this take effect.

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Hi, could you please increase my function time limits to 30 seconds (and what is the max execute time)?


Thanks! _o/

Hiya, thanks for reaching out and welcome to the community. I have increased your function timeout to 26s which is the max timeout we can with AWS lambda. Please re-deploy to see this take effect.

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Hi :slight_smile: Can I get an increase in timeouts to my site with Site ID f9558776-f0fe-44e5-8340-deca57816cc3?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hi @of-dev,

I’ve increased the function time limit for the site to 26 seconds (the max). You’ll need to re-deploy the site for the change to take effect.

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Can I ask for an increase in function time limit to 26s for site id 0ea661d7-1bd6-4bb3-916c-6b91258a050f and edcefb60-7162-4d84-b03b-f21a3cb145d9 please!

Best regards,

Hi @Matsxmats,

Thanks for reaching out! I’ve increased the function time limit to 26 seconds (the maximum) for the two sites. Please re-deploy the sites for the change to take effect.

It would be great if my site can get the timeout increased to 25 second fdd5dd64-ce8c-47f6-87eb-566c107a0963

Hi @mahfujul,

I see your account is on the Starter tier. While we can bump you up to 26 seconds, you’ll need to be on the Pro tier for us to make that change - that’s a requirement that applies to everyone who wants a longer timeout. You can upgrade to Pro easily through the Netlify UI dashboard.

Please let us know when you have upgraded, we can change the settings for you!

Hi Melvin,

Could you help increasing my site’s lambda timeout limit to 30s if possible?


It has been upgraded to 26 seconds, @innocentamadi.

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Hello :slight_smile:

Could you increase my account’s lambda timeout limit to 30s please?
SID: 932e727c-790b-46f4-9c02-d1ffb7c3eede

Thank you!

hiya :wave:t6: thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Netlify support forums! I have increased your function timeout to 26s the max set by AWS lambda. Please re-deploy to see this take effect.

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Hello, could you bump the timeout to 26 seconds for 01HVV0GNM2MSY3312H8RWCD5M7 I am on the pro plan. Thanks!

Hi @Szegoo,

Thanks for reaching out! I’ve increased the function time limit for the site to 26 seconds. Please re-deploy the site for the change to take effect.

Hello, could you bump the timeout to 26 seconds for my Site ID fda109fd-c5d3-4eb1-91eb-4e8aad40f6aa

Yes, I am on the Pro plan. Cheers!