External OAuth provers settings: fatal rendering error

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I asked the chat bot and it sent me here :slight_smile:

I added Github as an external OAuth provider in the Site configuration > Identity > Registration section

When I try to edit it or even remove it I get the error:

A fatal rendering error has occurred

While your data is safe, the following JavaScript error caused the Netlify UI to crash:

u.get is not a function. (In 'u.get("name")', 'u.get' is undefined)

I’ve removed the provider.

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I wanted the provider. I just wanted to remove it and add it again because I wanted to see what the options were when I added it in the first place. I forgot.

I added Github back, I’m still getting that error. I wonder if it’s affecting the app I’m trying to build.

Identity feature is about to be deprecated in a few months. It would continue working for sites that already have it, but we won’t be troubleshooting the related issues or fixing bugs.

While that’s not the current state and we can try asking the devs to fix this, I won’t recommend sticking to a product that is scheduled to be deprecated.

Sounds good to me. I’m actually no longer going to use it.

Thanks :pray:

@hrishikesh can you explain more about the depreciation? Will it be replaced with something else?

I have the same issue and wanting to remove “Google” from external OAuth providers. I am getting…

A fatal rendering error has occurred

While your data is safe, the following JavaScript error caused the Netlify UI to crash:

u.get is not a function

I’ve mentioned more above:

As for replacing it, no. We don’t plan to develop any alternative ourselves as there are various other services already doing that much better.

Thanks for you prompt reply. Just so I understand, so will Netlify no longer develop its “Identity service”, and it would be worth our while looking to replace the functionality with something else?

I currently use Netlify Identity with role based redirects.


As for Role Based redirects, it’s a fairly easy functionality to replace using Edge Functions. Simply decode the JWT, check for the role and allow/deny based on that.

The harder part to replace might be finding the correct service for your auth needs and potentially migrating to it. You can choose to stay with Identity, but as mentioned, no troubleshooting or bug fixing would happen.