When attempting to make changes to Identity external providers, an error is raised:
A fatal rendering error has occurred
While your data is safe, the following JavaScript error caused the Netlify UI to crash:
u.get is not a function
This occurs whether attempting to remove a provider or edit an existing one. Adding additional providers does work.
I have observed this issue for at least two days now.
Browser console shows the following error information:
TypeError: u.get is not a function
vx https://app.netlify.com/app.bundle.js:343
React 8
unstable_runWithPriority https://app.netlify.com/2943.bundle.js:73
React 5
__trace__ https://app.netlify.com/monitoring.vendor.bundle.js:1
Additionally, there is a CORS error for netlify.bugsnag.com that may be preventing Netlify from observing these errors:
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://notify.bugsnag.com/. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Status code: (null).
and a failed POST request to that URL is visible in the network tab.