Error when linking domain: Another site is already using this domain

“Another site is already using this domain”

Site name:

The domain is used in other netlify projects, I am attempting to link the subdomain to this netlify project. It is not working. Is this subdomain in use in another netlify project?

Posted the original question here:

hello :wave:t6: thanks for reaching out! I’m not seeing a txt record for this domain.

% host -t txt

Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Can you follow the instructions in this guide?

Oops, I will be fixing that soon. Before I do, I’d like to ask. Is it possible that the same domain be used to deploy on two different netlify accounts (as long as they are different subdomains)?

For example, I’d like to deploy at, but would like to ensure that’s deployment stays up on a different netlify account.

Thanks in advance

Not by default. Can be enabled by sending a ticket from Support (needs a Pro+ plan).