“another site is using this domain” Error when Adding Custom Domain

I’m trying to add a custom domain for my site that I took down temporarily but I’m getting the error that “another site is using this domain”.

The domain is armoredkingdom.com

I checked my Netlify domains and all my site and the domain isn’t being used in my account.

I also checked my registrar and didn’t see anything there either.

How can I get this added back?

Site ID: a3e38c45-5f62-4a6c-975f-7804c5d19955


Hi, can you please set a txt record to verify you own this domain?

% host -t txt verified-for-netlify.armoredkingdom.com
Host verified-for-netlify.armoredkingdom.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Please refer to our verify domain ownership document and let us know by responding here when that’s done. If the verification is successful we can remove the domain from the other account so you can use it on yours.

This is complete. Let me know if you need anything else

Hi @alwaysaugust,

Thanks for creating the TXT Record for us to verify. You should now be able to add the domain to your site.