Domain routing to wrong site

The site is: helpful-bavarois-e388fb, the custom domain is
For some reason the domain (eventhough DNS records point to the correct site), gets redirected to another Netlify-Site of mine? I also had problems setting up the Let’s encrypt SSL certificate so i added my own, not sure if this is the cause of the problem.

Hi there! We’ve created this DNS Quickstart guide for this very purpose - to get you up and running as quickly as possible.

Please take a look. Additionally, we have this Support Guide too that outlines all of our DNS resources. Lastly, there are tons of DNS questions you can access through our search! If your problem still persists after reading through all relevant guides, please post again and we will troubleshoot with you.

I was able to resolve the problem. It was a very weird DNS/DOMAIN/SSL problem. I deleted the certificate multiple times and re-uploaded the same certificate again. And after a few days of DNS-updates everything started working without any changes to the DNS settings. It was a custom SSL-certificate. Since then we switched to the default Let’s encrypt certificate and everything works great.

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Hey there, @sebastian-meier :wave:

Thanks for coming back and sharing this solution! This will be beneficial for future Forums members who encounter something similar.

Happy building :rocket: