We use Titan email as our email provider for our domain.
Titan needs us to add a DKIM record (actually part of a TXT).
We have done so in Netlify and it looks good but no external services are not recognizing it.
it has been a few weeks since the TXT/DKIM record was added.
Is there a reason for this to occur? Did I not do something? Any help is appreciated.
I have used MXToolbox to look up epiphanyeden.org:titan1 and result is “No DKIM Record found”
I used DNS-Lookup - The Professional Free DNS Lookup Checker Tool and not TXT/DKIM record was listed
I should clarify thet Titan is the email provider used by Hostinger, which hosts our email.
Hostinger has a tool to verify DKIM and it fails.
It looks to me like Netlify is not pushing out the record to the DNS servers