Deleted Site Still Runs Check on Github, PRs blocked


Our Github Netlify connection is still checking PRs, despite revoking permissions to our enterprise Github account AND deleting our Netlify site.

Every PR on our repo is blocked by an automatic check that hangs forever:

Site: netlify/determined-volhard-67606b/deploy-preview

PLEASE can someone help, especially someone from the Netlify team. It’s very concerning that your integration behaves this way even after having permissions revoked.

Hmm, I don’t read that quite the way you do - I read that as: “you have configured your git project to expect these checks” and that is a local config on your GHE server. I may be wrong since I don’t use GHE, but that’s how I think I would read it on too - please don’t hesitate to educate me if you think that’s wrong! I am almost certain that you can remove REQUIRED checks on your side - that is a repo-side configuration, so you hopefully can at least unblock yourself from my understanding (cf Enabling required status checks - GitHub Help)

I can confirm the site is deleted 100% on our side, so I have no way to even manipulate the settings on our side and they should indeed no longer be in effect.

Do you by chance have a timeline on when you deleted the site, and when that build where the check result didn’t come in started? Could it be a check from before you deleted your site? Regardless, could you get me a timestamp on that commit from your git server, and I will see what I can find in the logs?

Thanks in advance for your help in troubleshooting!


I know this thread is old but I’m running into the same issue. I accidentally connected my personal Netlify account to a company repo but never fully built and deployed. That Netlify site was deleted and doesn’t show at all in my Netlify account but it is still connected to that company’s repo.

It’s showing up in their Github checks and failing so it’s creating some confusion and issues for them. Is there a way to disconnect/remove that deleted Netlify site from their Github/Netlify checks?

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Could you share the repo URL (it doesn’t matter if it’s private), and the site name in the checks?

Hi – We are also having the same problem on our site. There is an old site that we no longer have access to (as far as we know, it doesn’t exist at all) that Github keeps running checks on. We cannot turn off the checks since we cannot access the site at all. It is also running checks on the current site hot-cheetos-and-takis that we DO want checks on and that site we can see within out Netlify account.

Mysterious site name of unwanted checks: upbeat-curie-227d2a

Hey @mrcerrina , we’ve unlinked the repo as of now which should fix this behavior. Let us know if that doesn’t help!

That worked PERFECTLY, thank you so much!