I am using GitHub for my sites
and in the last couple of days, I start to have a problem with netlify status checks on Github PRS
until now the check status name was checks netlify/deploy-preview
but now I have a site that sometimes its netlify//deploy-preview and some times its deploy/netlify
this creates a problem in GitHub if I’m waiting to specific site check status
In this image you can see that one time all 3 have message like netlify//deploy-preview
and sometimes one of them have deploy/netlify
Hey @yotav_masa,
Could you please share your Netlify url so we can check the hooks on our end? It’d also be great to take a look at the repo if it’s public!
Hey @yotav_masa,
Apologies for the slow response, but I’ve been really stumped on this one! Your other post about your recent change to a monorepo gave me an idea, which is that you may be running into the same issue as this person:
To change the setting as I suggest at the bottom of that thread, go to https://app.netlify.com/teams/YOUR-TEAM/settings/sites#notifications and try changing the setting there to “One notification per repo”- if that doesn’t fix things, we will need to escalate to our backend team.
Also wanted to let you know that because you’re on an Enterprise plan, we are happy to move you over to our helpdesk and work with you over there- you should get an email shortly.