Custom domain is still attached to old netlify account/team

I’m trying to add my domain but it shows name has a conflicting custom domain in another account. My domain is still connected to old developer and I can’t remove it, I tried to delete the DNS configuration from the domain, but I still get the same error.
I will make verification DNS record and please remove my domain from other site and team.

Thank you.

Hi :wave:t6: thanks for reaching out I’m not seeing a txt record for this domain. Can you follow the support guide below?

% host -t txt
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
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Ok, sorry, thats because the domain is and I create a subdomain when connecting to netlify so it become, I have fix verification txt name to . I hope it is ok now?

hi looks like the dns zones have been removed from the domain. You can now add the domain to your account. Let me know if that’s not the case.