Cannot remove netlify load balancer ip

I removed the a record pointing to neltify load balancer ip but checking with a dns checker i still see both ips, the one from netlify and the one on cpanel where im currently hosting. Sometimes it goes on the cpanel host and sometimes on the netlify host and whenever it is on netlify it breaks…

I removed the load balancer ip 1 or 2 days ago and i also deleted the website from netlify.

I am new to hosting so I am sorry if what I wrote is not so clear.

Hi @bayannidal,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to Netlify’s Support Forums!

You’ve removed the IP address from the DNS Records at your registrar? If so, it may need time to propagate.

I have checked and I’m not finding that domain associated with any Netlify site/account, however, as you mentioned there still is an A Record pointing to

host has address has address

If you continue to have issues, you may need to reach out to the Support team at your registrar to look into this issue.

Thank you for your fast reply!

Basically I deleted the A record a couple of days ago from cpanel and after that I removed the website completely from netlify but it seems that its not propagating whatsoever. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Thank you!

It looks like the DNS hosting is at Did you make the DNS changes there? If not, that is where the changes should be made.

Indeed the domain is from But it points to the nameservers from cpanel where all of the DNS settings are configured. I checked again on ROTLD but it does not have DNS settings set there.

Thank you!

I’d recommend reaching out to your registrar to see why that record is persisting