"Awaiting Netlify DNS"

The UI shows the required instructions when you click on “Awaiting External DNS”.

It says “Awaiting Netlify DNS” and it’s not clickable.


I’m afraid, it does not do that. Thisis what it looks like:

Anyways, here are the instructions:

which is also documented by the way.

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Ok sry, that’s really weird since it does look different for me:


But thanks for the help! I will set it up accordingly :pray:

Update: And it worked like a charm! :slight_smile: Awesome help!!

I have the same issue. Had not touched my settings for a long time, but suddenly about a week ago it stopped working. Just one of my domains luckily, not all of them!

I used an external DNS, the site would not load at all, tried changing to Netlify DNS but something is still not working properly even after I renewed the certificate. It sometimes says “Netlify DNS”, but sometimes also “Awaiting Netlify DNS”! Also I can’t renew the certificate anymore it seems like!

Please help! Domain: vassbo.net & kristoffer.netlify.app

It looks like you’ve successfully configured Netlify DNS and the site vassbo.net is up-and-running. Are you still having issues?

@sid.m I guess the DNS might be correct now.
But getting ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error in Google Chrome, and a similar error with Bitdefender. (see image).

It might be a cache issue, but I tried on a new device and got the certificate error, this time I could continue, but got “503 Service Unavailable”, so it’s very unstable (see image)!

I did renew the certificate once a few days ago but I can’t renew it anymore, if that’s related!

Also the www. alias does not work (see image).

The fact the error messages you see include “nginx” means they are not coming from Netlify—also, the 503 and 404 also do not come from Netlify.

vassbo.net and www.vassbo.net load fine for me @Vassbo as shown below

Thank you! I believe the problem must be in the cache of my internet provider then (if that’s an option), as it seemingly works fine on mobile data, but not on my Wi-Fi. Strange that these issues started happening for multiple people this month after years of no issues for me!

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Hi there I am having an issue with awaiting Nelify DNS. The domain is Kaneenterprise.co Thank you for your help.

Hi there. I’m also experiencing the same problem. I’ve added the nameservers that netlify provided me on xneelo (i’ve also checked on https://dnschecker.org/ and the ns are also updated to the ns that i was given by netlify). But I’m still getting the “Awaiting Netlify DNS” message and it’s been like this since yesterday. Your assistance on this will be highly appreciated.

Netlify subdomain: https://ramalo-public.netlify.app
Primary domain: ramalo.co.za

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