Appeal an account suspension - during Signup

Hi my account got suspended as well, i didn’t receive any warnings in emails, i just noticed when i attempted to log in, could you send the verification link to

Hi where do it say you are blocked? Can you please share a screenshot. I’m not seeing a restriction on your account for this email.

Sure here is the request’s response, i tried to open a support ticket, i received an “email doesn’t exists error” as well

Thanks, I can log in now, can you just let me know whether my account got flagged for something specific, or was it just a general error?

Appeal an account suspension

We have suspended this account due to suspicious activity.
To quickly reclaim this account, please take a moment to verify your identity before using Netlify.

Hi @dominikgyecsek :wave:t6: ,

We detected a bug in our system that flagged accounts. There was nothing specific about your account that got you suspended. Thanks for your patience as we work to mitigate this occurrence.

Hi :wave:t6: @Uagalaxy

Thank you for reaching out about your suspension. At this time you are not able to appeal the account suspension as you were found in violation of our terms of use as you were conducting phishing on our platform.

Hello, I’m also having the same issue, can you resend me a verification mail? This is my email:

I’m still having the same problem

Hi can you please reach out to they will be able to assist you further.

Hello, I’m also having the same issue “Appeal an account suspension”. I couldn’t get a mail from Netlify to verify my identity. here’s my email

Kindly help, my sites are down.

Hi :wave:t6: I am not seeing your account as restricted any longer. Please let me know if you are still in need of assistance.

Hello, I’m also having the same issue “Appeal an account suspension”. I couldn’t get a mail from Netlify to verify my identity. here’s my email

I could use some hand please


Thanks for reaching out. It appears your account was automatically marked as spam in an effort to crack down on potential fraudulently behaviour. I have moved your query to our helpdesk as they will be able to assist you further with a verification link.


Thank you for your response and for moving my query to your help desk. I appreciate your help and understanding.

I have received your message and I am waiting for your verification link. I hope this will solve the problem and allow me to access netlify and create my website.

Please let me know if you need any other information from me.

Nnodimele Udodirim

Even my account got suspended and i did not recieve any appeal email … can you please help me here its bit urgent

email :-

Thank you

Don’t post the same thing on multiple topics @pendalwarsanket especially when you have created your own

I have deleted it … can u please help me here

I don’t work for Netlify @pendalwarsanket. You will have to wait for a member of Netlify’s support staff to assist you.

is it right thread to ask for appeal email or removal of suspension ? if not please guide me