I cant create account, suspended after registration

Dear Netlify,

I just want to create an account to discover and use your service, but I got suspended after registration. I try to explain my case after getting suspended via your website but I do not receive any responses via my email.

I am very appreciated if you can check what problem with my registration. My email is vinhluonglearning@gmail.com

Best regards,

Hi, your account were automatically marked as spam as an effort to crack down on potential fraudulent behaviour. Please see our VP of security response regarding this.

Luckily, you should now be able to verify yourself via stripe to unlock your account. Please try signing in again and follow the prompts to upload a copy of your ID so we can be sure you are legitimate. Please view a list of acceptable documentation for your country here. If you are not prompted to do this please let me know and we can send a link manually.

If you do not want to verify your ID you can bypass this step by signing up for a Pro tier account.