Another site is already using this domain

“Another site is already using this domain” error trying to set custom domain “” on site “krakenpics”

This domain is mine, but I can’t use it

I don’t know which site is setup with this domain, please advise how I can find out


Hi @tiendatmagic,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to Netlify’s Support Forums!

Hi please add the numbers 126063 in the txt box and write back in with the domain name you wish to free up so we can remove the records.

We have a Support Guide on how to create the TXT Record here:

After creating the TXT Record, please update this ticket and we’ll verify. Thanks!

i updated 126063 to txt

Hi this is what I see…

 % host -t txt
Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Can you give the guide another read?

Here, I update

Hi @tiendatmagic,

Unfortunately, I’m not able to verify that TXT Record.

Trying here and here as well as locally from the terminal is not returning any results. You may want to contact your registrar’s support to see why the record isn’t propagating.

please check again, link:

Hi @tiendatmagic,

Thank you for following up. I’ve verified the TXT record, you should be able to add it to your site/account.